Getting Started With Diffusion Cloud

Diffusion Cloud allows you to start developing real-time applications using Diffusion within minutes - no credit card required!

With Diffusion Cloud, you can use the full feature set of On-Prem Diffusion, without the hassle of managing infrastructure, performance, and scalability. Within your account, you can create one or more Diffusion instances - each one independently sandboxed with the ability to manage their host location, software version, security configuration, data model, and more. 

To get started with Diffusion Cloud, let's create an account via the Cloud login page:!/login

Click the 'Sign Up' link, and enter in your details. Alternatively, you can choose to sign up using your GitHub or Google account - this allows you to skip the email verification step.

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Once you've logged in, you'll be prompted to enter a few account details, and create your first free Diffusion service. Since you can have a mix of free and paid services, you can easily setup an internal testing service on the free tier, while using a paid tier service for your production traffic.

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Once you've filled out your details, click the Get Started button to finalise your account creation and go to the main dashboard.

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This dashboard provides a quick view across your current services, with recent usage data shown for each one. From this dashboard, you can easily edit your profile or billing settings, if you wish to make use of the paid Diffusion Cloud tier.

The dashboard also includes some tooltips that explain various components. You can follow along, or dismiss if you don't need the extra information. 

To finish setting up your first free Diffusion Cloud service, click the 'Manage' button on the dashboard.

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When you first create a new Diffusion Cloud service, you'll be prompted to specify an admin username & password. These credentials are used when connecting to your Diffusion Cloud service via one of Diffusion's development SDKs. It's important to note that these are separate from your Account credentials. At any time you can add, change or remove usernames & passwords for a given Diffusion Cloud service.

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Once you've setup your admin connection details, you'll be presented with your service overview dashboard, presenting you with information about your service. The menu bar on the left provides access to different tabs for managing your data, security, integrations and usage.

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That's it! You're now all setup with your Diffusion Cloud account and free Diffusion Cloud service. To start exploring the benefits of Diffusion, why not try writing your first client application by following our Quick Start guide.